Looking forward to starting 1st grade! Loves biking, roller blading, swimming, and even backpacking. He's my little stud.
Noah-age 7
Going to be a big 2nd grader this year. Loves spending his summer days in the pool, riding his bike, roller blading, and playing games. He's become an excellent reader!
Scott- age 9
Scott is a reading machine! He goes through books like crazy. He's looking forward to starting 4th grade this next year. Spends his summer swimming, biking, roller blading, playing games, and reading.
Great dad, great cook, lots of fun, and a super hard worker. We sure love him!
Last week's race on the 10th wasn't such a fun one. For some reason my lower back decided to cramp up on me, especially on the hills. This rendered my legs pretty much useless. Somehow I still pulled off 3rd place. Two races to go.
Betty is there every week dressed in some fantastic costume cheering us on, warning us to slow down or be careful passing others, and always doing it with such enthusiasm. Thanks Betty!
I've learned if you don't have a really good start you don't have a prayer in winning the race. You're lucky to even get in the top three. I had a pretty lousy start because of the new gravel they put down and sharp turn at the start. I didn't think it was worth killing myself over, so I didn't ride very aggressively at the very start, but I pushed hard the rest of the race and took 3rd place. Not complaining. Still hanging on to 2nd place overall. Three races to go!
Every quarter Scott's school has an awards assembly that focuses on a few of the school rules which are Responsible, Respectful, Friendly, and Safe. This quarter Scott was one of the chosen few in his class who earned the award for Friendly. Good job, Scotty Man!