Saturday, February 14, 2009

Some Much Needed Time for Mommy with her Boys

A few days ago we were all going a little crazy after so many days cooped up in the house trying to get unpacked, so we headed for the hills. Just 5 minutes away is the most awesome singletrack mountain biking/hiking trail that goes around Folsom Lake. The boys went wild when they saw the trail, the wide open spaces, some sticks to beat the forest with, and the lake to throw rocks in. They were in heaven and so was I just watching them. Sadly, the water level of the lake is desperately low and we are in need of lots of rain. Thankfully, it's been raining quite a bit the last week or so and should continue for a while.

The Peres Family Moves Again!

Since we were so fortunate to sell our home in Kanab we were able to buy a home here in Folsom. After 5 short months in the rental home we moved...again. Yeah, it's getting old. This is #22 for me. Our first night in our new home was spent January 22nd. We did things a bit differently this time. No big moving truck with big strong moving guys. Steve and I did it ourselves with our truck and a tiny little trailer we borrowed. We've probably taken over 50 loads to the house and we're not even finished yet. However, we are mostly settled and excited about making the place our own. I also have some great helpers. Noah was a lot braver than I was and got up on a high ledge to help me decorate. Scott added his own personal touches. It's turning out to be a nice, cozy home and we are very grateful to have it.

Gotta Love a 3-Year Old and His Independence

As most 3-year old kids probably do, Joshua loves to be independent and do everything for himself. He also wants to do what everyone else is doing, too. I was unpacking my bathroom stuff in the new house and Joshua decided it was time to curl his hair. Of course, it wasn't plugged in. I'm not that bad of a mom!

Joshua came in my room one Sunday a few weeks ago just beaming because he had gotten himself ready for church with no help. He was so proud! It was the cutest thing I ever saw!

Speaking of cute...I have to share. We are in the middle of potty training with Joshua. It's been very slow, but it's coming. One time when he had a successful poop in the toilet I was congratulating him and said "Joshua, that's great!" He said "Mom. Don't say great!" I said "Well, what word do you want me to use?" He thought for a second and said "Say Happy Birthday!" Since then he has reminded me what to say when he has success. "Happy Birthday! You went poop!"

Steve Inches Toward the Big 40

Happy 39th Birthday, Steve! Yeah. I'm late getting this blogged, but I've been a bit busy with moving again. His birthday was actually January 8th. We didn't expect to see him until the next day because he was working at the ER in Stockton, but he surprised us by showing up just before Scott left for school. I quickly tossed his presents in a big gift bag from Christmas and he opened them in a hurry so Scott could be there. It was short and sweet. He headed to bed for a quick snooze before he was back to the ER again. We had a bigger and better celebration a few days later when he was home for a few days. He's such a hard worker and we sure love and appreciate him a bunch!