Saturday, January 3, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Joshua was thrilled to get new train stuff for his old wooden train set. We were thrilled this made his train set seem like new and didn't have to spend much!

Noah had it all: candy, more candy, and a remote control jeep.

Scott had mastered his many Lego sets so we thought it was time to move on to bigger challenges...a motorized Erector set!

Steve surprised Elizabeth with a decoration for the mantle in the new home they are buying.

We five Turner kids (and families) gave Mom and Dad a digital photo frame this year.

The one time these boys are excited about jewelry...when it's candy!

I didn't realize it when I took the picture, but note the green star on top of Noah's head. It's really the star on top of the Christmas tree. Am I good or what?

Steve's been waiting for the Star Wars movie sets to come out on DVD and my Mom and Dad delivered.

Last year Steve and the boys bought me this massive stocking and filled it very nicely. It has now become a tradition and I am definitely not complaining.

Checking out the goods in their stockings.

Merry Christmas guys!

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