Sunday, September 28, 2008
More Rock Climbing Adventures
Scott Earns Big Bucks For His School

Incidentally, living here in California has been a multiculturally eye opening experience for the kids. Coming from Kanab, Utah they hadn't met too many kids from other cultures. Here, our kids seem to be a minority, as you can see from the pictures. It's been great; we've had lots of geography lessons and discussions about other cultures. Pretty cool. Scott's best friends at school are twins Rishagish and Viganish, and Javier.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Life Goes On At The Peres House

We've been here in sunny California for 3 1/2 weeks now. Most of the trauma of the first week has passed and we are settling in. We actually have a routine now, which is really good for the kids and their behavior. Basically our days go like this: get up early to do transcription work, get kids up and Scott ready for school, Scott heads to the bus as the rest of us get ready to head to the gym, kids play in the Kids Club while Mommy sweats, kids climb rock wall before we leave gym, go home for shower and lunch, "school time" for Noah and Joshua, nap time, more transcription work, Scott comes home and reports on his day, Scott does homework and plays with brothers while Mommy is still working, dinner, go to park or on a walk or watch a movie with the kids, kids go to bed, Mommy blogs or works or watches a movie and wishes Steve were here. Actually, Steve surprised the boys last Thursday night when I drove them to the airport to pick him up. They didn't have a clue. We had a great weekend, the kids loved having their Daddy around, and I loved having him around for a few days. He left yesterday. Hopefully he'll be here permanently in a few weeks.

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Beware Of The Folsom Lake Monsters!

I took the kids to Folsom Lake, which is actually really close by. It wasn't quite what I expected. I anticipated a nice sandy beach where the kids would play. Instead, there was thick, thick, lose your sandal if you're not careful, black mud. The kids thought it was great. I didn't even stick a pinky in the water. "I'll just stay far, far away from you boys, thanks."